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Financial Advisers

Why Join Us

Wait a minute... that's not the right question for now. Perhaps a more apt question should be 'Why should you be a Financial Adviser as soon as possible?'

The irony is that the answer to that only you can answer but here are some pretty thought provoking questions that may require you to answer truthfully to yourself or ask your spouse, friend or your leader about it.

  • Who are your competitors in your industry? (There are a minimum of 8 competitors)
  • Will your client one day move away from you? (Raise hand if there's blind loyalty)
  • What are your competitive advantages? (Name yourself 5 truthfully)
  • How do you see your future in the next 5, 10, 15 years or when you turn 60?
  • Can you grow yourself where you are, realistically?
  • Would there be many obstacles not within your control?

So after answering those questions truthfully and you think you should move to the dark side, here are the basic requirements to become a Financial Adviser Representative as required by our beloved Central Bank.

On top of that, our internal requirements are pretty simple too as follows:-
  • Pretty good looking & presentable
  • Team player
  • Humble attitude and positive outlook in life
  • Independent and reliable

If you fulfil these requirements, do email us for an application form at enquiries@capspring.com.my

But if you don't yet you are adamant in joining us in this wonderful industry or if you have any meaningful question, do also email us to arrange for a simple meet up over a cup of coffee, perhaps then you will be convinced of yourself of the need to move to the dark side.

Some trivial questions and answers for you to lose sleep on:-

  • How many FARs are there in Malaysia? (1,112 as at 31 March 2021)
  • How many life insurance agents are there in Malaysia? (82,042 as at 31 Dec 2020)
  • How many unit trust consultants are there in Malaysia? (58,978 as at 30 April 2021)
  • What will happen to me if the insurance company I am attached to is no longer competitive?
  • What happens to my sales & income when I grow older?
  • Am I advising my clients in their best interest or in my best interest since I am only attached to one insurance company?
  • Do I have a balanced life between family, career and my personal collection of soft toys?.